VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 顾客好评分享: 一直以来,我的体重都不曾少过80kg。尤其在生完了2个宝宝,身材完全走样了,手臂和腿都超粗,肚子甚至大到好像还怀着第3胎,很多漂亮的衣服不能穿了,当时真的觉得很可悲。试过很多方法都不成功。直到一天无意中看到了VIP的配套,就抱着试试的心态买了一个配套。没想到,在两三天里就看到了效果。不可思议的是,只用了40天,我的体重从86kg跌到75kg。太开心了,减了11kg咧。😍😍 现在我的信心回来了,很多衣服都可以穿了。我会继续服用VIP的。谢谢你 😝😝”
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex顾客好评:
好产品一定要分享给顾客。 顾客短短时间内就瘦了,大赞我们的VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 很有效。 顾客希望在接下来的一个新年有性感苗条的身材出门见亲戚朋友们。非参感激有这么好的产品介绍给顾客。
Customer Testimonial:
Sharing is caring, good product must share with customer. Customer very happy with the effetiveness of the VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. Able to archive the sexy body shape before coming Chinese New Year 2016 festival. Recieve compliment and thank you from customer.
Testimonial 20 | Customer Feedback 20:
If product did not work, how come have so many testimonial? Customer send testimonial and very happy to announce that the short pain that she not able to wear, now able to wear perfectly. Seem like this VIP really work for the customer. Customer very satisfaction with the effectiveness and the result that VIP Bio Mangosteen complex's bring.
顾客说裤子真的松了!别人外面开不到变化 ,可是自己可以感觉到裤子松了一大寸。 之前都需要收缩肚子才能把纽扣扣上,现在瘦了就不用啦!
VIP 的效果, 11天除了体型瘦了以外, 体重还下了8kg啊!体重从之前的60kg下到51kg!惊人啊!
Customer Testimonial:
This time my pant can really see the difference. Outsider would not see it from their eye, but i can feel it. My pant if i not shrink my tummy, i would not able to wear this pant.
Vip is really taking effect. for 11 days only i take the capsule, my body shape become much slimmer and as well as my body weight. Only 11 days i able to lose 8kg! Previously i'm 60kg, and now it dropped to 51kg! Awesome products that i ever had.
爱人,谢谢你介绍我吃 VIP,我已经好久没“瘦”的感觉了。每次拍照都很难过,看到自己肥胖的身材就讨厌,每次想瘦身都不成功,也试过很多瘦身产品都没效果,现在我已经充满信心,我对 V.I.P 充满信心,我还要继续瘦下去。
顾客两个星期瘦下20kg。 只用了2个星期!顾客的衣服也从6XL 变成 4XL。 而且还能在瘦下去!!!
Customer Said:
My dear, thanks for introducing VIP for me. It being a while i never feel how "slim" am i. Every time i took a selfie/photo i feel every sad, i was feel disappointment on my own body. And my workout did not relaly work, took most of the slimming product also no much changing. But now i find my confident again, and i'll continue to be slimmer.
Customer took 2 week to slim down 20 Kilos! ONLY 2 WEEK! Customer wearing cloth also drop from 6XL to 4XL and the greater news is, she still able to continue to slim down.
Do you touched?
Clean 5 (14包/盒)
1Box - RM120
2Box - RM220
4Box - RM420
6Box - RM600
12Box - RM1200 (Free 1Box )
1+1 配套节省更多
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex + Clean 5 = RM 280/-
(原价:180 + 120 = RM 300/-)