VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex | 要瘦多少您来决定

The world has changed since the first debut of the new VIP formula, enriched with revolutionary nanoparticles and the advance patented Cyantho™ technique and Litrava™ technology. Being the first all blue-purple weight loss, it has a special phytochemical essence that contains anthocyanin, a significant potency that eliminates fat cell from the body. This miracle compound burns, breaks, isolates and flushes fat out of the body with an extra feature to curb your appetite and reduces further fat absorption in your body.


This legendary, 100% pure plant based weight loss supplement is rich in Manganese, a compound that plays an important role in converting fats into energy and its diuretic properties help the body flush out excess water and diluted fats out of the body without the depletion of electrolytes.


Packed with the slimming-superfood, the Mangosteen extract that is derived using the Cyantho™ technique, which brings fat burning to the next level by burning fats sonic fast and effective. Proven to be able to burn, break, isolate and flush fats out of the body, Mangosteen is rich in Phyto C, such as alpha-pinene, cadinene, limonene, myrcene, borneol, caryophyllene and germacrene that is extremely good for weight loss.

VIP是多種靛紫色素材研製而成的。過程中不乏採用獨特的萃取技術 - Cyantho™,從“果后”中提取山竹肽。經臨床實驗證實,山竹肽能夠促進身體燃燒脂肪,必定能縮短那漫長的瘦身旅程。山竹裏的Phyto C富含α-蒎烯、卡丁、苧烯、月桂烯、冰片、丁香烯和大根香葉烯營養素。其燃燒、分解、隔離與清除脂肪的完美搭配將賦予身體一個嶄新的容貌。


Cyantho™ Burn fats, Break down fats, isolate fats from body. 燃燒脂肪、分解脂肪、抑制脂肪的吸收

Litrava™ Suppresses appetite, reduces absorption, flushes fat. 抑制食慾、減低吸收率、清除脂肪


Discovered about a century ago, switzerland has been the pioneer in the health industry with it’s refined Cyantho™ technique. Professionals found it’s effectiveness to burn, dissolve and separate body fats to achieve superior weight loss. The Cyantho™ technique goes thru a unique distillation method to completely extract every essence from the plant. This exclusive distillation technique allows nano extraction to it’s finest, allowing ingredients to be streamed into your body system and target fat dissolving then further separate them thru our excreting system.



Litrava™ suppresses your hunger the very moment you wake up. Using a compound found in purple & blue plants, it stops the craving of food from day till night falls. The compound found in Mangosteen, Anthocyanin is obtained through a new technology called Litrava™, this allows every nanoparticles to penetrate into your body to reduce calories absorption and flushes waste out of the body.



- Increases fat burning 提升脂肪燃燒

- Promotes fat oxidation 促進脂肪氧化

- Enhances metabolic rate 增強新陳代謝

- Reduces water retention 減少水腫症狀

- Suppresses hunger 抑制食慾

- Energy booster 增加體力

- Improves overall mood 改善情緒

- Body detoxification 幫助排毒

- Improves skin texture 改善膚質


1) Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) 山竹

2) Blueberry seed (Vaccinium Corymbosum) 藍莓種子

3) Burgundy Bean (Macroptilium Brateatum) 勃艮第豆

4) Purple Carrot (Daucus Carota) 紫蘿蔔

5) Purple Bell Capsicum (Capsicum Annuum) 紫柿子椒


1) Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) 山竹

- Burn, Break, Flush fats 燃燒、分解、清除脂肪

- Rich in Anthocyanin 富含花青素

- Curbs appetite 抑制食慾

- Burns belly fats 針對性燃燒脂肪

2) Blueberry (Vaccinium Corymbosum) 藍莓種子

- Promotes Cardiovascular and Digestive Wellness 促進心血管與消化系統

- Increases fat burning 增加脂肪燃燒度

- Reduces water retention 減少水腫症狀

- Improves skin texture 改善皮膚質感

3) Burgundy Bean (Macroptilium Brateatum) 勃艮第豆

- Rich in dietary fiber, Vitamin B & Potassium 富含膳食纖維、維生素B和鉀

- Boosts Energy & Alertness 提升體能與精神

- Promotes fat oxidation 促進脂肪氧化

- Body detoxification 幫助排毒

4) Purple Carrot (Daucus Carota) 紫蘿蔔

- Slow down carbohydrate absorption 緩慢碳水化合物的吸收

- Contains polyunsaturated fats 富含多不飽和脂肪

- Contains serotonin to improve mood 富含血清素以幫助情緒

5) Purple Capcicium (Capsicum A.) 紫柿子椒

- Metabolism stimulation 增進與刺激新陳代謝

- Burn fats 燃燒脂肪

- Reduces water retention 減少水腫症狀

FAQ 常問問題:

Q. What is VIP? 什麼是VIP?

A. VIP first debut in the beginning of 2015 as the first purple natural ultimate new slimming supplement that helps burn, break, isolate & flush fats out of the body. 在2015年專家研究了一個採用全靛紫色全天然成分以達到終極瘦身效果。它能夠幫助身體燃燒,分解,隔離與排除脂肪。

Q. Will I gain weight once I stop taking VIP? 在停止服用VIP過後是否會有反彈效果?

A. No, VIP do not have rebound effect, however, your weight will change base on your daily diet. VIP不會有任何反彈效果。但是體重還是會根據您平時的飲食習慣而出現變化。

Q. How long can I take VIP? VIP可以服用多久?

A. Experts recommend taking it as long as you feel like you have weight to lose. VIP can be taken for long term. VIP絕對安全,專家建議只要您需要控制體重都可以持續服用VIP。

Q. When will I notice changes? 服用多久后会看到明显效果?

A. According to our clinical studies, you will notice immediate changes after around 7 days and significant results in 21 days. 根據專家臨床驗證,您會在七天內看到效果,在21天內看到更顯著的全體瘦身效果。

Q. Are there any side effects? 服用VIP會有副作用嗎?

A. No, VIP is made of 100% natural plant based ingredients. VIP所採用的是100%天然植物成分,絕對适合长期服用。

Q. Who should not take this product? 誰不適合服用VIP?

A. Pregnant women, lactating women, diabetic, or anyone who has terminal illness are not recommended to consume this product. 我們不建議孕婦、哺乳媽媽、糖尿病者或任何有嚴重疾病人士服用此產品。

Q. I take a few medications. Can I still take VIP? 我剛好也在服用別的藥品,我可以同時服用VIP嗎?

A. Yes, VIP is 100% natural, however, we will recommend not taking it in conjunction with medication as it might conflict with the effectiveness of your medication. 雖然VIP是100%天然成分製成的瘦身輔助品,但為了避免藥物相衝,我們會建議先詢問醫療專家的意見。

Q. Do I have to change my diet or exercise routine? 我需要改变饮食习惯与运动吗?

A. With regular consumption of VIP, you will be able to lose weight without exercising or controlling your diet, however, with proper diet and exercising, you will lose weight even quicker and effectively. 只要固定服用VIP,即使您沒有足夠的運動量情況下,或者在正常飲食的情況下也能看到顯著的瘦身效果。但如果能配合運動與健康飲食,瘦身效果會更加快速。

Q. Is VIP suitable for vegetarians and vegans? VIP適合素食者嗎?

A. Yes, VIP is made of 100% plant based ingredients including our vegetative capsules. 是的,VIP是100%植物成分,包括膠囊也是植物製成。

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价(60capsule)

1罐 RM 180

2罐 RM 320

3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)

4罐 RM 580

6罐 RM 820

12罐RM 1500💯VIP减肥胶囊💊 || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex


VIP 瘦身王牌引爆市場💥快速🔜瘦身

🔥VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex











#吃不肥的秘诀 快速瘦

VIP 一罐效果, 瘦5kg
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证第298: 

VIP 顾客感言: 第一次尝试VIP瘦了将近5公斤,只服用了一罐的效果很多衣服明显变松,没有经常见面的朋友都说我瘦了。谢谢VIP!

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial No. 298:

VIP Customer said: First time try this VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, lose almost 5 kilogram of body weight. Just finished up 1 bottle and the effect is i look more slimmer when i wearing most of my cloth and dress, it feel more loose, and most of my friends that being a while not meet also said that i'm slimmer too. Thank you VIP!

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - 吃到您显瘦为止

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证第299:

VIP 顾客感言: 之前看老婆吃了 VIP瘦了有点不太相信,所以就偷偷拿了老婆的一罐vip来吃,没想到就这么瘦了下来,谁说男生不能减肥!

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial No. 299:

VIP Customer said: Last time i really did not believe my eye when i saw my wife get slimmer; So i also steal one bottle of VIP from my wife and try my own, incredibly i also lose on weight too, now who said man can't loss weight?

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证第300:

VIP 顾客感言: 一直以来,我的体重都不曾少过90 kg,手臂和腿都超粗,肚子甚至大到好像还怀着胎,很多漂亮的衣服不能穿,直到看到我的表姐服用VIP瘦了,我就抱着试试的心态买了VIP,没想到,在两个多月里就看到了很明显的效果。

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial No. 300:

VIP customer reviewed: Is being a while that my body weight that did not less than 90kg, it only increase and never dropped. My arm, legs thick like  elephant, my stomach also, round like i get pregnant. Envy every time saw my friend wearing nice cloth and dress, because i can't wear it. Until one day, i saw my cousin diet and lose her fat. I wish to try too, and i bought a VIP too. Really never think about it, only within 2 month, the effect really obvious.