Inchawy Sacha Oil | How to use? 宇威印加果油食用方式與方法





Direct Drink it  
- every morning or before sleep time, drink 1-2 small packs. It can reduce high blood pressure issues, high blood sugar issues, Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases by Eliminate chronic constipation. Reduce the formation of arterial thrombosis, especially for the elderly, high blood pressure and heart disease patients.

- consume directly for a few weeks, you will feel some change in the body. People always put on alcohol, drink 1-2 packs before drink, will protect your stomach.

- If not feel like taking it directly, can put in your beverage like milk, juice or coffee.

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●印加果油可以直接调拌各类荤素菜和面食,可以制作沙拉。用印加果油拌和的食物,色泽鲜亮,口感滑爽,气味清香,有着浓郁的田野风味。 🍃

Mix it with salad 
-  Sacha Oil can be mixed with fruit or vegetable salad for vegetarian or non vegetarian. Mixed sacha oil with your vege/fruit balance and it smells with fresh green taste and basically accepts by the public.

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●另有一种吃法更简单,将印加果油倒一些在盘子里,撒一点盐或是油醋,拿烤过和未烤过的面包沾着吃。 🍃

●晚餐可以選擇放在白飯上, 我們亞洲人都少不了吃飯。 開一小包放在飯上面也是很美味。

Put it on your bread or Rice
- Breakfast is most of the problem on diet, Sacha oil can help to solve it. Bake/toast your bread like 2-3 minutes, take it out and put some Sacha oil on top of it. Can mix it together with fruit jam, honey or Kaya. Sacha oil is good for children, it contains high vitamin and mineral that needed for growing up child.
- Another simple way to consume, put it on a plate, put some salt and vinger, mix it and eat together with bread. 
- For dinner, asian like to eat rice, put it on top of the rice, and it also a nice good taste. 

CellPro喜乐宝 Inchaway Sacha Oil印加果油】是最好的健康之宝‼️